Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does your food SMILE at you????

So I saw on tv they were doing something with peppers and they cute one open and found a smiley, so I started to cut my peppers like that so maybe I could see one, but thought I would never find one, and I did YAY!!!
Isn't is sooo cute!!!!


Miss Eliza Shumway said...

haha CUUUTEE!!
what a happy veggie.
i love bellpeppers.

Kristine said...

That is awesome!

Peggy said...

I'm going to have to try that. So cool!

JoMamma said...

That is very cool. I can't wait to buy a pepper.

Fahrenheit 350° said...

Oh! How fun, I'm going to now be obsessed with finding my own smiley!